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Romans. A Social Identity Commentary. London, New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark 2023
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Recent Reviews of the Romans Commentary
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Review by Ryan D.Collman, in JSNT 46.5.2024
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Discussion of Romans Commentary with Ben Witherington
Part I
Part II
Part I
Part II
Year of the Apostle Paul 2008:
I held the opening lecture at the Villanova University, PA.
The lecture series was published in honour of Jerome Murphy O'Connor and Joseph Fitzmyer: Celebrating Paul: Festschrift in Honour of J.A. Fitzmyer and J. Murphy-O’Connor. Washington: CBQ supplements Series, 2012.
I held the opening lecture at the Villanova University, PA.
The lecture series was published in honour of Jerome Murphy O'Connor and Joseph Fitzmyer: Celebrating Paul: Festschrift in Honour of J.A. Fitzmyer and J. Murphy-O’Connor. Washington: CBQ supplements Series, 2012.
- Romans. A Social Identity Commentary, London, New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark 2023.
- The Nations in the Divine Economy: Paul's Covenantal Hermeneutics and Participation in Christ: Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic 2018.
- Unity and Diversity in Christ: Interpreting Paul in Context. Eugene, OR: Cascade 2013.
- Paul and the Creation of Christian Identity. London, New York: T&T Clark International: 2006. Paperback edition 2008.
- Paul's Gospel in an Intercultural Context: Jew and Gentile in the Letter to the Romans, Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity, Frankfurt: Peter Lang 1991, reprinted edition 1992.
- Medieval Readings of Romans, ed. with P. Hawkins and B. D. Schildgen, Vol 7 in the Series Romans Through History and Cultures. London, New York: T&T Clark 2007.
- Research in Religious Education, ed. with Leslie J. Francis and William K. Kay, Leominster: Gracewing 1996.
Chapters in Books
- What Does Paul Within Judaism Mean for Protestant Christianity Today ?' with Kathy Ehrensperger, in Within Judaism ? Interpretive Trajectories in Judaism, Christianity and Islam from the First to the Twenty-First Century, ed. by Karin Hedner Zetterholm&Anders Runesson, Lanham, MD: Lexington/Fortress Academic 2024, 372-85.
"Through Isaac Shall Your Seed Be Named" (Romans 9:7b):Israel and the Purpose of God in Romans, in Stanley E. Porter and Alan E. Kurschner eds, The Future Restoration of Israel. A Response to Supersessionism, Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications 2023, 197-216.
'The Measure of Strength in Romans 14:1-15:6: Paul's Redefinition', in K.K.Yeo ed. Scripture, Cultures, and Criticism. Interpretive Steps and Critical Issues Raised by Robert Jewett. Eugene, OR: Pickwick 2022, 85-100.
'But It Is Not As Though the Word of God Had Failed: Israel as Sub-Text in Romans ?', in František Abel ed., Israel and the Nations: Paul's Gospel in the Context of Jewish Expectation. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Fortress Academic 2021, 165-86.
'Abraham in the Divine Purpose According to Paul: The Reception of Abraham Tradition in Romans 4 and Romans 9', in František Abel, ed. The Message of Paul the Apostle within Second Temple Judaism. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Fortress Academic 2020, 145-65.
‘Reading Paul in Relation to Judaism: Comparison or Contrast?’, in Leslie Avery-Peck, Craig Evans, Jacob Neusner eds., Early Christianity within the Boundaries of Judaism: Essays in Honor of Bruce Chilton, Leiden: Brill 2016, 120-50.
‘Paul, Antisemitism, and Early Christian Identity Making’, in Gabriele Boccaccini, Carlos Segovia eds., Paul the Jew: Rereading the Apostle as a Figure of Second Temple Judaism. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2016, 301-40.
'A Remnant of Them Will Be Saved' (Rom 9:27): Understanding Paul's Conception of the Faithfulness of God to Israel', in JJMJS 2.2015, 79-101.
‘Identity’, in Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Bible and Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2015.
‘No Distinction or No Discrimination? The Translation of Διαστολή in Romans 3.22 and 10.12’, in Christina Tuor-Kurth & Lukas Kundert, eds., Erlesenes Jerusalem. Festschrift für Ekkehard W. Stegemann, Basel: Friedrich Reinhardt Verlag 2013, 353-71.
‘What if God…..? Paul’s Attempt to Change the Perception of God’s Purpose for Israel in Rome’, in David Rudolph &Joel Willits eds., Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan 2013, 196-205.
‘Käsemann on Romans: The End of an Era or the Way to the Future’, in Christina Grenholm, Daniel Patte eds., Modern Interpretations of Romans: Tracking their Hermeneutical/Theological Trajectory. London, New York: T&T Clark 2013, 161-89.
‘Gentile Identity and Transformation in Christ According to Paul’, in eds. S. Byrskog, M.Zetterholm, The Making of Christianity: Conflicts, Contacts, and Constructions: Essays in Honor of Bengt Holmberg. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns 2012, 22-55.
‘I Rate All Things as Loss: Paul’s Puzzling Accounting System: Judaism as Loss or the Re-Evaluation of All Things in Christ’, in P. Spitaler ed. Celebrating Paul: Festschrift in Honour of J.A. Fitzmyer and J. Murphy-O’Connor. Washington: CBQ supplements Series, 2012, 39-61.
‘Covenantal Theology and Participation in Christ: Pauline Perspectives on Transformation’, in eds. R. Bieringer, D. Pollefeyt, Paul and Judaism: Crosscurrents in Pauline Exegesis and the Study of Jewish-Christian Relations. London, New York: T&T Clark 2011, 41-60.
‘Universality and Particularity in Paul’s Understanding and Strategy of Mission’, in Paul as Missionary, Trevor J. Burke and Brian S. Rosner eds., London, New York: T&T Clark 2011, 195-208.
‘The Addressees of Paul’s Letter to the Romans: Assemblies of God in House Churches and Synagogues?’ in Between Gospel and Election: Explorations in the Interpretation of Romans 9-11, Florian Wilk and J. Ross Wagner eds., Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010, 171-95.
‘”Let Us Maintain Peace” (Rom 5:2): Reconciliation and Social Responsibility’ in The Bible in Academy, Church, and Culture. Festschrift in Honour of John T. Williams. Alan Sell ed. Eugene, OR: Wipf &Stock 2010, 58-80.
‘Ernst Käsemann and His Theology’ in Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, General editor Daniel Patte, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2010.
‘Built on Tradition but not Bound by Tradition‘, in Ehrensperger K. and R.W. Holder eds., Reformation Readings of Romans. Romans Through History and Cultures Series. London, New York: T&T Clark 2008, 166-70.
‘Reading Romans in Conversation with Medieval Interpreters: The Challenge of Cross-Fertilization’, in Medieval Readings of Romans ed. with P. Hawkins, B. D. Schildgen, Romans Through History and Cultures Series. London, New York: T &T Clark 2007, 202-212.
‘Covenant’, ‘New Covenant’, ‘Israel II: Paul’ in The IVP Dictionary of the New Testament. Daniel G. Reid ed. Downers Grove, Ill: Intervarsity Press 2004, 242-245, 523-529
‘All God's Beloved in Rome!’ Jewish Roots and Christian Identity', in Celebrating Romans: Template for Pauline Theology. Essays in Honor of Robert Jewett. Sheila E. McGinn ed. Grand Rapids, MI.: Eerdmans 2004, 67-82.
‘Zwischen Synagoge und Staat: Identität und Konflikt in den paulinischen Gemeinden’, in G. Gelardini, ed.,„Was“ begegnet sich im religiösen, christlich-jüdischen Dialog? Aktuelle kultur- und religionswissenschaftliche Theorien zur Deutung, Verhältnisbestimmung und Diskursfähigkeit von Religionen. Stuttgart, Berlin: Kohlhammer Verlag 2003, 151-170.
‘Millennial Optimism for Jewish-Christian Dialogue’, in The Future of Jewish-Christian Dialogue, Dan Cohn-Sherbok (ed.), Lampeter : Edwin Mellen Press, 1999, 217-37.
‘The Church as Israel / People of God’, Dictionary of the Later New Testament and its Developments, Downer's Grove, IL: IVP 1997, 204-19.
‘The Rule of Faith in Romans 12:1-15:13’, Pauline Theology, Vol.3 , eds. D.M. Hay & E. Johnson, Minneapolis, Augsburg Fortress Press, 1995, pp. 259-86, republished Atlanta: SBL 2002, 259-86.
‘The Contribution of Traditions to Paul's Theology’, Pauline Theology, Vol.2, ed. David M. Hay, Minneapolis, Augsburg Fortress Press, 1993, pp. 234-54, republished Atlanta: SBL 2002, 234-54.
‘Martin Luther and Paul's Epistle to the Romans’, in The Bible as Book: The Reformation, O'Sullivan O. (ed.), London: The British Library 2000, 103-114.
‘Divergent Images of Paul and His Mission’, in Reading Israel in Romans: Legitimacy and Plausibility of Divergent Interpretations, Romans Through History and Cultures Series Vol I, Cristina Grenholm and Daniel Patte (eds.), Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press 2000, 187-211
Dictionary articles in Dictionary of Paul and his Letters, Downer's Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1993
- ‘Covenant and New Covenant’, 179-83.
- ‘Israel’ , 441-46
- ‘Judaizers’ , 512-16
- ‘Olive Tree’, 642-44
‘Romans III as a Key to the Structure and Thought of the Letter’, in The Romans Debate, K.P. Donfried ed., Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson, 1991, 251-65.
‘Paul’s Understanding of Revelation with Particular Reference to Continuity and Discontinuity between Christianity and Judaism’, in D. Kerr and D. Cohn-Sherbok, eds., Christians, Muslims and Jews, Canterbury: University of Kent, 1983, 53-60.
‘The Place of Romans 9-11 within the Structure and Thought of the Letter’, Studia Evangelica, Vol.VII, Akademie Verlag: Berlin, 1982, 90-99.
‘Christ the End of the Law: Romans 10:4’ Studia Biblica 1978, Vol. 3., E. A. Livingstone ed., Sheffield: Sheffield University Press 1980, 65-72.
‘Salvation for Jews and Gentiles: Krister Stendahl and Paul's Letter to the Romans’, Studia Biblica 1978, Vol. 3, E. A. Livingstone ed. Sheffield: Sheffield University Press, 1980, 73-81.
‘Differentiation and Discrimination in Paul’s Ethnic Discourse’, Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, Spring 2013.
‘The Rationale for Gentile Inclusion and Identity in Paul’, in Criswell Theological Review 9/2 2012, 23-38.
‘Religion, Identity and Ethnicity: The Contribution of Paul the Apostle’, Journal of Beliefs and Values 29 (2), August 2008, 139-50.
‘Unity and Diversity in the Church: Transformed Identities and the Peace of Christ in Ephesians’, Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, Vol.25, Jan.2008, 15-30.
‘A Pioneering Experiment: Islamic Studies within a Teaching Qualification’ with M. C. Felderhof in Journal of Beliefs and Values Vol.28/3 Dec 2007, 297-308.
‘Perceptions of Compatibility between Christianity and Judaism in Pauline Interpretation’, Biblical Interpretation,Vol. XIII/3 2005, special edition of journal entitled ‘Paul between Jews and Christians’, 298-316.
‘Martin Luther and Paul’s Epistle to the Romans’, (abridged version) in Luther Digest: An Annual Abridgement of Luther Studies. Vol.11/2003, 7-9.
‘Significant Nuances in Contemporary Pauline Interpretation’, Irish Biblical Studies Vol. 24/2002, 184-200.
‘Jewish Responses to the Revised Understanding of Judaism and of Self-Understanding in Christianity’, Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol.22(2), 2001, 231-4.
‘The Rise of Christianity’, Journal of Beliefs and Values Vol. 19 (1) 1998, 135-9.
‘Favouritism and Egalitarianism: Irreconcilable Emphases in Romans?’, Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers, Annual Meeting 1998, 12-32.
‘The Sociological Approach to the New Testament: Promise and Problems’, Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 14 (1), 1993, 2-10.
New Testament sections of Great Events of Bible Times: New Perspectives on the People, Places and History of the Biblical World (with Professors John Ferguson and Frances Young), ed. J. Harper, Marshall Editions, London and Doubleday, New York 1987, German Edition, Faszinierende Welt der Bibel, Freiburg i.Br.: Herder, 3rd printing 1992.
‘Did Paul Advocate Separation from the Synagogue?’, Scottish Journal of Theology, Vol. 42, 1990, 457-67.
Historical Context, Exegesis and Preaching with Particular Reference to Paul’s Letters’, Irish Biblical Studies 5, April 1983, 73-93.
‘Christianity and Judaism: Continuity and Discontinuity’, International Bulletin of Missionary Research, April 1984, 54-59.
‘Romans III as a Key to the Structure and Thought of the Letter’, Novum Testamentum 23, 1981, pp.22-40, republished in The Romans Debate, K.P. Donfried ed., Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson, 1991, 251-65.
‘The Romans Debate’, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Vol. 10, 1981, 19-28.
‘Revisiting Romans, 1972-1981’, Scripture Bulletin, 12, 1981, 2-10.
‘The Freedom and Faithfulness of God in Relation to Israel’, Essays in Honour of Professor A.T. Hanson, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Vol.13, 1981, 27-45.
‘What are they saying about Christian-Jewish Relations?’ Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 2 (2), 1981, 10-13.
‘Some Recent Literature on Paul’s Letter to the Romans: A Critical Survey’, in Biblical Theology 25, 1975, 1-9.
‘Why did Paul Write Romans?’ in Expository Times 85, 1974, 264-69.
- Romans. A Social Identity Commentary, London, New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark 2023.
- The Nations in the Divine Economy: Paul's Covenantal Hermeneutics and Participation in Christ: Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic 2018.
- Unity and Diversity in Christ: Interpreting Paul in Context. Eugene, OR: Cascade 2013.
- Paul and the Creation of Christian Identity. London, New York: T&T Clark International: 2006. Paperback edition 2008.
- Paul's Gospel in an Intercultural Context: Jew and Gentile in the Letter to the Romans, Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity, Frankfurt: Peter Lang 1991, reprinted edition 1992.
- Medieval Readings of Romans, ed. with P. Hawkins and B. D. Schildgen, Vol 7 in the Series Romans Through History and Cultures. London, New York: T&T Clark 2007.
- Research in Religious Education, ed. with Leslie J. Francis and William K. Kay, Leominster: Gracewing 1996.
Chapters in Books
- What Does Paul Within Judaism Mean for Protestant Christianity Today ?' with Kathy Ehrensperger, in Within Judaism ? Interpretive Trajectories in Judaism, Christianity and Islam from the First to the Twenty-First Century, ed. by Karin Hedner Zetterholm&Anders Runesson, Lanham, MD: Lexington/Fortress Academic 2024, 372-85.
"Through Isaac Shall Your Seed Be Named" (Romans 9:7b):Israel and the Purpose of God in Romans, in Stanley E. Porter and Alan E. Kurschner eds, The Future Restoration of Israel. A Response to Supersessionism, Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications 2023, 197-216.
'The Measure of Strength in Romans 14:1-15:6: Paul's Redefinition', in K.K.Yeo ed. Scripture, Cultures, and Criticism. Interpretive Steps and Critical Issues Raised by Robert Jewett. Eugene, OR: Pickwick 2022, 85-100.
'But It Is Not As Though the Word of God Had Failed: Israel as Sub-Text in Romans ?', in František Abel ed., Israel and the Nations: Paul's Gospel in the Context of Jewish Expectation. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Fortress Academic 2021, 165-86.
'Abraham in the Divine Purpose According to Paul: The Reception of Abraham Tradition in Romans 4 and Romans 9', in František Abel, ed. The Message of Paul the Apostle within Second Temple Judaism. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Fortress Academic 2020, 145-65.
‘Reading Paul in Relation to Judaism: Comparison or Contrast?’, in Leslie Avery-Peck, Craig Evans, Jacob Neusner eds., Early Christianity within the Boundaries of Judaism: Essays in Honor of Bruce Chilton, Leiden: Brill 2016, 120-50.
‘Paul, Antisemitism, and Early Christian Identity Making’, in Gabriele Boccaccini, Carlos Segovia eds., Paul the Jew: Rereading the Apostle as a Figure of Second Temple Judaism. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2016, 301-40.
'A Remnant of Them Will Be Saved' (Rom 9:27): Understanding Paul's Conception of the Faithfulness of God to Israel', in JJMJS 2.2015, 79-101.
‘Identity’, in Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Bible and Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2015.
‘No Distinction or No Discrimination? The Translation of Διαστολή in Romans 3.22 and 10.12’, in Christina Tuor-Kurth & Lukas Kundert, eds., Erlesenes Jerusalem. Festschrift für Ekkehard W. Stegemann, Basel: Friedrich Reinhardt Verlag 2013, 353-71.
‘What if God…..? Paul’s Attempt to Change the Perception of God’s Purpose for Israel in Rome’, in David Rudolph &Joel Willits eds., Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan 2013, 196-205.
‘Käsemann on Romans: The End of an Era or the Way to the Future’, in Christina Grenholm, Daniel Patte eds., Modern Interpretations of Romans: Tracking their Hermeneutical/Theological Trajectory. London, New York: T&T Clark 2013, 161-89.
‘Gentile Identity and Transformation in Christ According to Paul’, in eds. S. Byrskog, M.Zetterholm, The Making of Christianity: Conflicts, Contacts, and Constructions: Essays in Honor of Bengt Holmberg. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns 2012, 22-55.
‘I Rate All Things as Loss: Paul’s Puzzling Accounting System: Judaism as Loss or the Re-Evaluation of All Things in Christ’, in P. Spitaler ed. Celebrating Paul: Festschrift in Honour of J.A. Fitzmyer and J. Murphy-O’Connor. Washington: CBQ supplements Series, 2012, 39-61.
‘Covenantal Theology and Participation in Christ: Pauline Perspectives on Transformation’, in eds. R. Bieringer, D. Pollefeyt, Paul and Judaism: Crosscurrents in Pauline Exegesis and the Study of Jewish-Christian Relations. London, New York: T&T Clark 2011, 41-60.
‘Universality and Particularity in Paul’s Understanding and Strategy of Mission’, in Paul as Missionary, Trevor J. Burke and Brian S. Rosner eds., London, New York: T&T Clark 2011, 195-208.
‘The Addressees of Paul’s Letter to the Romans: Assemblies of God in House Churches and Synagogues?’ in Between Gospel and Election: Explorations in the Interpretation of Romans 9-11, Florian Wilk and J. Ross Wagner eds., Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010, 171-95.
‘”Let Us Maintain Peace” (Rom 5:2): Reconciliation and Social Responsibility’ in The Bible in Academy, Church, and Culture. Festschrift in Honour of John T. Williams. Alan Sell ed. Eugene, OR: Wipf &Stock 2010, 58-80.
‘Ernst Käsemann and His Theology’ in Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, General editor Daniel Patte, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2010.
‘Built on Tradition but not Bound by Tradition‘, in Ehrensperger K. and R.W. Holder eds., Reformation Readings of Romans. Romans Through History and Cultures Series. London, New York: T&T Clark 2008, 166-70.
‘Reading Romans in Conversation with Medieval Interpreters: The Challenge of Cross-Fertilization’, in Medieval Readings of Romans ed. with P. Hawkins, B. D. Schildgen, Romans Through History and Cultures Series. London, New York: T &T Clark 2007, 202-212.
‘Covenant’, ‘New Covenant’, ‘Israel II: Paul’ in The IVP Dictionary of the New Testament. Daniel G. Reid ed. Downers Grove, Ill: Intervarsity Press 2004, 242-245, 523-529
‘All God's Beloved in Rome!’ Jewish Roots and Christian Identity', in Celebrating Romans: Template for Pauline Theology. Essays in Honor of Robert Jewett. Sheila E. McGinn ed. Grand Rapids, MI.: Eerdmans 2004, 67-82.
‘Zwischen Synagoge und Staat: Identität und Konflikt in den paulinischen Gemeinden’, in G. Gelardini, ed.,„Was“ begegnet sich im religiösen, christlich-jüdischen Dialog? Aktuelle kultur- und religionswissenschaftliche Theorien zur Deutung, Verhältnisbestimmung und Diskursfähigkeit von Religionen. Stuttgart, Berlin: Kohlhammer Verlag 2003, 151-170.
‘Millennial Optimism for Jewish-Christian Dialogue’, in The Future of Jewish-Christian Dialogue, Dan Cohn-Sherbok (ed.), Lampeter : Edwin Mellen Press, 1999, 217-37.
‘The Church as Israel / People of God’, Dictionary of the Later New Testament and its Developments, Downer's Grove, IL: IVP 1997, 204-19.
‘The Rule of Faith in Romans 12:1-15:13’, Pauline Theology, Vol.3 , eds. D.M. Hay & E. Johnson, Minneapolis, Augsburg Fortress Press, 1995, pp. 259-86, republished Atlanta: SBL 2002, 259-86.
‘The Contribution of Traditions to Paul's Theology’, Pauline Theology, Vol.2, ed. David M. Hay, Minneapolis, Augsburg Fortress Press, 1993, pp. 234-54, republished Atlanta: SBL 2002, 234-54.
‘Martin Luther and Paul's Epistle to the Romans’, in The Bible as Book: The Reformation, O'Sullivan O. (ed.), London: The British Library 2000, 103-114.
‘Divergent Images of Paul and His Mission’, in Reading Israel in Romans: Legitimacy and Plausibility of Divergent Interpretations, Romans Through History and Cultures Series Vol I, Cristina Grenholm and Daniel Patte (eds.), Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press 2000, 187-211
Dictionary articles in Dictionary of Paul and his Letters, Downer's Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1993
- ‘Covenant and New Covenant’, 179-83.
- ‘Israel’ , 441-46
- ‘Judaizers’ , 512-16
- ‘Olive Tree’, 642-44
‘Romans III as a Key to the Structure and Thought of the Letter’, in The Romans Debate, K.P. Donfried ed., Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson, 1991, 251-65.
‘Paul’s Understanding of Revelation with Particular Reference to Continuity and Discontinuity between Christianity and Judaism’, in D. Kerr and D. Cohn-Sherbok, eds., Christians, Muslims and Jews, Canterbury: University of Kent, 1983, 53-60.
‘The Place of Romans 9-11 within the Structure and Thought of the Letter’, Studia Evangelica, Vol.VII, Akademie Verlag: Berlin, 1982, 90-99.
‘Christ the End of the Law: Romans 10:4’ Studia Biblica 1978, Vol. 3., E. A. Livingstone ed., Sheffield: Sheffield University Press 1980, 65-72.
‘Salvation for Jews and Gentiles: Krister Stendahl and Paul's Letter to the Romans’, Studia Biblica 1978, Vol. 3, E. A. Livingstone ed. Sheffield: Sheffield University Press, 1980, 73-81.
‘Differentiation and Discrimination in Paul’s Ethnic Discourse’, Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, Spring 2013.
‘The Rationale for Gentile Inclusion and Identity in Paul’, in Criswell Theological Review 9/2 2012, 23-38.
‘Religion, Identity and Ethnicity: The Contribution of Paul the Apostle’, Journal of Beliefs and Values 29 (2), August 2008, 139-50.
‘Unity and Diversity in the Church: Transformed Identities and the Peace of Christ in Ephesians’, Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, Vol.25, Jan.2008, 15-30.
‘A Pioneering Experiment: Islamic Studies within a Teaching Qualification’ with M. C. Felderhof in Journal of Beliefs and Values Vol.28/3 Dec 2007, 297-308.
‘Perceptions of Compatibility between Christianity and Judaism in Pauline Interpretation’, Biblical Interpretation,Vol. XIII/3 2005, special edition of journal entitled ‘Paul between Jews and Christians’, 298-316.
‘Martin Luther and Paul’s Epistle to the Romans’, (abridged version) in Luther Digest: An Annual Abridgement of Luther Studies. Vol.11/2003, 7-9.
‘Significant Nuances in Contemporary Pauline Interpretation’, Irish Biblical Studies Vol. 24/2002, 184-200.
‘Jewish Responses to the Revised Understanding of Judaism and of Self-Understanding in Christianity’, Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol.22(2), 2001, 231-4.
‘The Rise of Christianity’, Journal of Beliefs and Values Vol. 19 (1) 1998, 135-9.
‘Favouritism and Egalitarianism: Irreconcilable Emphases in Romans?’, Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers, Annual Meeting 1998, 12-32.
‘The Sociological Approach to the New Testament: Promise and Problems’, Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 14 (1), 1993, 2-10.
New Testament sections of Great Events of Bible Times: New Perspectives on the People, Places and History of the Biblical World (with Professors John Ferguson and Frances Young), ed. J. Harper, Marshall Editions, London and Doubleday, New York 1987, German Edition, Faszinierende Welt der Bibel, Freiburg i.Br.: Herder, 3rd printing 1992.
‘Did Paul Advocate Separation from the Synagogue?’, Scottish Journal of Theology, Vol. 42, 1990, 457-67.
Historical Context, Exegesis and Preaching with Particular Reference to Paul’s Letters’, Irish Biblical Studies 5, April 1983, 73-93.
‘Christianity and Judaism: Continuity and Discontinuity’, International Bulletin of Missionary Research, April 1984, 54-59.
‘Romans III as a Key to the Structure and Thought of the Letter’, Novum Testamentum 23, 1981, pp.22-40, republished in The Romans Debate, K.P. Donfried ed., Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson, 1991, 251-65.
‘The Romans Debate’, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Vol. 10, 1981, 19-28.
‘Revisiting Romans, 1972-1981’, Scripture Bulletin, 12, 1981, 2-10.
‘The Freedom and Faithfulness of God in Relation to Israel’, Essays in Honour of Professor A.T. Hanson, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Vol.13, 1981, 27-45.
‘What are they saying about Christian-Jewish Relations?’ Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 2 (2), 1981, 10-13.
‘Some Recent Literature on Paul’s Letter to the Romans: A Critical Survey’, in Biblical Theology 25, 1975, 1-9.
‘Why did Paul Write Romans?’ in Expository Times 85, 1974, 264-69.